laser vein removal

Do you have pesky spider veins or broken capillaries that create an unwanted appearance on the skin? Never fear – laser is here! Our laser vein treatment targets the small, damaged vessels on the surface of the skin safely and effectively with minimal downtime. Laser vein removal works by targeting the broken vessels with concentrated heat. The laser treatment heats up the red blood cells and subsequently damages the vessel wall. The vessel is then absorbed by the body over the next couple weeks to months. The treatment may require a few sessions completed no sooner than 6 to 8 weeks apart for full resolution in the area. Speak with your technician to discuss your particular case.

What causes spider veins and broken capillaries?
Spider veins may appear when the valve inside the veins stops working correctly. Our heart pumps blood and nutrients to the whole body and our veins carry blood back to the heart. To prevent blood from flowing in the wrong direction, there is a one-way valve that closes once blood passes through. If the valve weakens or becomes damaged, the blood can begin to pool inside the vein and flow in the wrong direction. Over time, this can cause spider veins. Broken capillaries on the face are often the result of tiny blood vessels bursting. Increased pressure, sun damage or external factors may also cause this to happen.

Are the treatments painful?
You may experience a quick snap of heat as the laser targets the energy into the vessel. This is a quick and temporary sensation that dissipates within minutes after treatment. Topical anesthetic is not permitted or required.

When will I see results?
You will start to see improvement in the area within the first six weeks after treatment. Multiple treatments may be required for optimal results. Individual results may vary. Treatments are performed at 6 to 8 week intervals.

Are there any restrictions after the treatment?
Strenuous activity and sun exposure must be limited for 48 hours to avoid hyperpigmentation and unforeseen complications. Compression stockings may or may not be recommended. Consult with your technician for further information.

Do I have spider veins or varicose veins?
Spider veins are usually small, thin lines that resemble a web. They may be slightly raised or flat. They are often red, blue or purple in color. They do not usually cause any discomfort. Varicose veins are larger and deeper. They may also appear lumpy, twisted and/or raised. They are usually flesh-colored or red. Varicose veins may also have an assortment of symptoms including pain, itching, swelling of the legs or ankles, bleeding and/or an achy or heavy feeling in the legs.

Is the treatment covered by insurance?
Most of the time, insurance will not cover laser treatment for vein removal as it is considered a cosmetic treatment. We do not direct bill insurance and recommend speaking with your insurance representative for specifics regarding your plan.