laser skin tightening

Sagging skin? Fine lines and wrinkles? We can help! Our skin tightening treatments are the perfect option to tone the skin and improve the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles. With the capability of the GentleMax Pro, we use a targeted energy to penetrate the deeper layers of the skin stimulating the collagen, elastin and cell turnover rate to firm and tighten the outermost layers of the skin. Fight aging and gravity with no downtime and beautiful long-lasting results! Laser skin tightening is a minimally invasive and non-surgical process that produces noticeably immediate results after each treatment. Additional tightening will occur over the next few months giving you a more youthful and smoother appearance!

How does the treatment work?
The GentleMax Pro stimulates dermal collagen and elastin production and regenerates damaged skin cells. The energy produced by the laser targets fibroblasts in the dermis increasing the cell turnover rate. This causes an improvement in fine lines, skin tone and laxity.

How many treatments will I need?
The number of treatments required will vary person to person, dependent on a variety of factors. On average, we treat to the decade. For example, a woman in her 30s may only require 3 treatments whereas a woman in her 60s may require 6 treatments to properly stimulate the tightening effect.

How often do I need to come in for treatment?
For optimal results, treatments are completed every 4 weeks to deliver a constant energy for cell stimulation. Spacing your appointments out further may require additional treatments.

How long do the results last?
The new dermal collagen that is rejuvenated becomes apart of your natural facial anatomy. The improvements can last for up to 5 years with a proper skincare routine.

Do I need downtime for this treatment?
There is no downtime required. You may return to your normal routine immediately after your treatment. However, SPF is mandatory when exposed to UV light to protect your skin from further damage.

Can you treat the body as well as the face?
Absolutely! Skin tightening can be used on all areas of the body. The most common areas are the face, neck and abdomen.

Is the treatment painful?
Most clients report a gentle, warming sensation on the skin. There should be minimal to no discomfort during your treatment. Numbing agents are not necessary.